These are actual routing calculations done by Cirrugator for the delivery from Hawaii to San Francisco. Read this by beginning at the green dot on the lower left, and follow the red diamonds to the yellow dot in the upper right. The red arrows represent the wind to be expected along the course. The black lines are the isochrones, thick lines for full day, thin lines for 6h intervalles. Count the number of thick black lines which the diamond track crosses, and you have the number of days it takes.
This is NOT (!!) a forecast for the actual delivery, but rather should be understood like this:
If Cirrus departed on the date given as "GRIB Ref.Date (UTC)" this is what the route would look like
and the "Time to go" information tells you how long this route would take.
Keep in mind that during delivery the engine might be used to speed up when the wind slows down. In particular, when the
diamonds are overlapping it is engine time, and the "Time to go" will shorten accordingly!
For more details see the explanations see the DEMO site of Cirrugator